We understand there are articles and different pieces of information out there that might indicate that Rosemary extract is produced using chemical solvents like hexane, ethanol, and acetone. This is simply not the case for the Rosemary Extract ingredient used in our Extra Virgin Cod Liver Oil here at Rosita®.
The company that supplies Rosita® with our Rosemary Extract has stated that this is the best extract and it has also been featured in the Natural Product Insider Magazine. It is never produced using chemicals, and is both Kosher and Halal. The technique they use to extract the Rosemary is proprietary. Rosita® only uses 0.05% (which equates to 0.075 mL) of the Rosemary Extract per 150 mL bottle. Our Rosemary Extract best protects our oil and maintain freshness, so you can enjoy the fresh 100% wild and raw taste and benefits our EVCLO has to offer!
Rosemary Extract is wonderful for keeping oils from degrading. As a plant, it has very high antioxidant properties and is helpful with digestion. One drop of this extract is added to each Rosita® Extra-Virgin Cod Liver Oil bottle.
Some may taste this extract when ingesting our Rosita® Extra-Virgin Cod Liver oil as a slight bite in the back of the throat. There is no need to worry. Rosita® Extra-Virgin Cod Liver Oil is nitrogen packed for freshness, and one drop of full-spectrum Vitamin E is added to keep oxidation at bay.