If you’ve redeemed Rewards points for an award from your total points amount, or have redeemed points, but no longer see the coupon code available, this code is stored for you in your profile!
This code will be stored in your Rewards points profile! You may use it immediately on your order, or save it for use on a future order!!
To find this code for later use on an order, simply log into your account, click on the Rewards Widget in the bottom left corner of your screen, and you will find the code to use there!
If you’ve accidentally redeemed points to be used towards an order, but do not wish to save the coupon code for a later date, you may contact customer service to refund your Rewards points back into your total amount. Simply send us a message via our Message Bot on our website, email ask@rositausa.com, or give us a call at 1-888-778-3179. We are happy to help!