Here are the test results for the nutrients in our Rosita® EVCLO.
There are also seasonal variations related to the fish's spawning cycle, climatic conditions, plankton, and other conditions affecting the codfish. Because Rosita® Extra Virgin Cod Liver Oil Rosita® Extra Virgin Cod Liver Oil is a completely unrefined & unprocessed wholefood. The concentration of nutrients will always vary from batch to batch.
Per 1 teaspoon serving:
Vitamin A (Retinol): 1100mcg
Vitamin D3 (Cholecalciferol): 9mcg
Total Omega 3's: 1293mg
EPA: 443mg
DHA: 605mg
Vitamin E: 3.7-10 mg
Iodine content: 8.5 micro-grams per 5 grams
The vitamins A and D in Rosita® Extra Virgin Cod Liver Oil (EVCLO) are naturally occurring from the fish’s liver. They are not actually “sourced” from anything! Rather, the vitamins A and D are exactly as they were in the living cod's liver, as no heat, chemicals, or mechanical processes are used in the production. The full spectrum of omega fats is intact, too.
The entire point of Rosita®’s ancient, gentle production of EVCLO is to protect the fragile nutrients and fats and give the oil its efficacy.
We want to stress that this is not a processed cod liver oil with added synthetic vitamins. Rosita® EVCLO is as close to the oil in the living codfish liver as you can get.